Introducing Our New Free Masterclass…

The 4 Keys To Communication That Works

Access Our NEW Value-Packed Masterclass To Discover…

  • Common issues which push couples further apart without you even realizing.
  • ​How to rebuild bridges – even if you’ve drifted further apart than you previously thought.
  • Spark some fun back into a relationship and reconnect with each another again.
  • Our proven methods to help revive a relationship.
  • ​Analyze your relationship – so you know where you need to rebuild and grow.
  • How you can work with us personally inside our flagship program, Keep The Fire Burning, at a huge discount.
  • And much much more…

About Your Coaches

Clay & Sonja Arnold
Founders – Heart Life Coaching DFW

Our mission is to bring love, healing connection, and empowering communication to each other and to share that with the world.

We’ve been on this life journey for sixty-plus years – more than forty of which we’ve spent as a couple – struggling, working, praying, and learning how to create a beautiful life TOGETHER that fulfills our purpose as both individuals and as a couple.

We bring our unique experiences and perspectives to all our coaching, training, and consulting, with special emphasis on coming at issues from both sides – addressing both the “male” and “female” approaches, acknowledging, and validating each perspective, and crafting ways to incorporate both into solutions that bring peace, harmony, and success to every aspect of the relationship.

We have been friends, lovers, and intimate partners for 43 years. As the parents of four (grown) kids, we have learned to navigate the twists and turns of life. We struggled for many years, feeling alone in our issues; we didn’t know how to come together and support each other instead of letting these issues push us apart. So much of our early life was focused outwardly on our families, kids, and ministry and relief work.

After ignoring this for too many years, we finally discovered the secret to working in concert on all our issues. What a relief that has been! We are so thankful for learning how to come into alignment and honor both ourselves and the other.

We’re so grateful for this huge transformation that helped us learn how to communicate whatever we were going through in a safe and healing way – whether that was about finances, about raising kids, or about other daily demands of marriage – and not only our marriage but in all our relationships.

This life-changing discovery has inspired us to want to share it with anyone and everyone we can, so more couples and families can thrive by learning how to have better relationships through listening without judgment, speaking without criticism, and truly connecting.

As relational coaches for 22 years, we’ve worked with families and couples worldwide, helping them connect, communicate, and have the relationship they want. As Senior Trainers with a globally recognized training program, we have trained coaches, therapists, business leaders, pastors, and nurses from every continent in this unique communication technique that’s based on brain science, so they can take it into their practices and transform their communities.