8 Ways We Destroy Trust
Trust in a relationship is key. When trust is destroyed it creates ripple effects in all of life. Often we don't notice how our behavior is undermining our trustworthiness. Here are some habits that are common and have shown up in our relationship. Take a look, not to...
How Working With A Coach Can Help You
Have you ever thought about working with a coach before? If you are serious about achieving your biggest goals, you should seriously consider it. Working with a coach is a great way to boost your results in almost any area of life. Having someone to teach you the...
How Differences Effect Our Financial Conflicts
Clay here, continuing our discussion about money and finances. Have you noticed that you and your partner are different? Our approach to most things is usually different than our partner. This shows us for us in all areas of life but especially when it comes to money....
What Exactly Is Safe Conversations?
If you have been following us for anytime now, you have heard about our love for the Safe Conversations methodology. There are dozens of systems out there these days designed to help people develop their communication skills. And it makes sense – we can’t help but...
Helpful Conversations to Deal With Back to School Stress
The end of summer and back-to-school time is challenging even under normal circumstances. When we consider the events of the past 18 months and the uncertainty of the "new normal" and just what that might be cause heightened emotions in all of us. This season has been...
Why Laughter is so important in your life
You have probably heard the term laughter is the best medicine. It may even be a bit cliché at this point. However, it still holds quite true. If you are feeling down, forcing yourself to smile or laugh can turn your mood around. If you are in need of a pick-me-up,...